September 29 is #nationalcoffeeday in the US and Canada! Whether you take it black or have a yearly countdown for the first PSL of the season, coffee is the most popular drink in the world and we’re ready to celebrate.

As 2021 goes, so is the list of Retailers planning on expanding, even amid a global pandemic. Retailers are following trends throughout the nation of opening up, while continuing safe practices. Here are the top 5 Retailers that are going to be adding a location in Oregon this year. 1). Nike Live Nike is a […]

There’s a signature curry chicken-joint headed to DuPont Circle and Bethesda Metro. Known for its experimental concept in 2019, opening early lunch and closing after serving 300 Butter Chicken trays, the company has seen a surge in demand that supports expansion. Still, wondering what it is? It’s Butter Chicken Company. The initial concept began in […]

Retail hardships are nothing new. But now, retailers in the food industry have a different story and are thriving amid the pandemic. We're sharing three businesses within the food industry expanding this year in New Hampshire. Tuscan Village Starting in 2019, Salem, New Hampshire, began building a 2.8 million square foot area for a mixed-use […]

The retail market in Pennsylvania continues to attract a host of new and expanding retailers, despite the pandemic slowdown. As the fifth-most populous state in the union with roughly 13 million residents, Pennsylvania remains a magnet for the latest concepts. A litany of new tenants are coming aboard Fashion District Philadelphia, a redevelopment of the […]

RetailSphere has thousands of expanding retailers and the contacts for reaching out Each day, RetailSphere’s on-demand research team speaks to hundreds of site selectors about their expansion plans and demographics. Here are five we talked to this week about their specific plans. Sally Beauty Supply LLC - Sally informed our researchers they are open to […]

It’s been a long, tough road back for the retail sector, which struggled even before COVID-19 accelerated consumers’ reliance on e-commerce. But with weaker players purged — and landlords right-sizing rents — for the first time in years, retailers are opening more stores than they’re closing. Based on outreach by the Retailsphere research team, it […]

Is it just us, or is ice cream perfect for any occasion? Whether it's a birthday, holiday, or frankly any event, ice cream is a staple in many homes throughout the United States, especially now with new flavors coming to the surface. We're sharing the top five ice cream retailers. Consider bringing an ice cream […]

Vegan is considered a voluntary diet choice, but it’s not just the fad diet of the year (I’m talking about you, KETO). Veganism is a lifestyle, and it’s popularity is expanding rapidly. Based on the desire to be more conscious of food sources, compassionate to animals, and overall wellness are just some of the key […]

The pandemic struck a lighting bolt through many aspects of daily routine, notably the workplace. Masses of the workforce transitioned to working from home. Many realized the wonderful benefits of working from home: No more commute, business attire substituted with always comfortable attire, and less money spent buying lunches. Coexisting with work-from-home doesn't free you […]