Great news. A big national-credit retailer wants a shopping-center space that's currently occupied by struggling mom-and-pop tenants who are barely hanging on in a lease-less, or "at will" basis. The timing seems right to issue these month-to-month occupants their proverbial walking papers and quickly shoo them off the premises to free up the square footage. […]

Retailsphere interviewed dozens of shopping center owners and leasing managers nationwide to gain insights into the best, and more interesting, worst tenants during the Coronavirus pandemic. Of those interviewed, 28% noted a restaurant as their most difficult tenant over the past few months. While the list of difficult restaurants included national brands like Denny’s and […]

COVID-19 has brought into question how big a role food-and-beverage tenants will continue to play in the long-term vision of using socially oriented, experiential concepts to revive retail real estate. The restaurant industry, like many other parts of the economy, enjoyed robust growth until the pandemic struck. Late last year, the National Restaurant Association projected […]

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent widespread orders to close theaters, retailers and restaurants – or severely restrict their operations – are forcing landlords and tenants to the negotiating table to figure out a way to survive. In many cases, the parties are striking agreements that generally provide a period of rent reduction and then spread […]

In a recent survey of property management groups across the US, Retailsphere asked several questions regarding rent abatement requests, specifically looking at which retail categories have made these requests most and least frequently. With over 66,000 units representing over 4,400 shopping centers in every geography in the US, it turns out that salons asked for […]

Retail has a long history of adapting to changing economic conditions, though profound industry change has never come as quickly as in the past dozen years, as the Great Recession, the rise of Amazon and now the COVID-19 pandemic have rocked physical stores, forcing shopping centers and tenants into a rapid succession of adjustments.Out of […]

With cold months behind us and COVID cases on the decline, we are entering into a new season: a season of hope. Retailers are reflecting that hopeful attitude by opening more locations. Hope is permeating as vaccines are widely available and as a nation we are shrugging off the hardships of enduring over a year […]

We will feel the ripple effect from the COVID-19 pandemic for years to come. As states begin to allow businesses to re-open, foot traffic is still down, anxiety is heightened, and everyone is wishing for a crystal ball. While we can't tell the future, we can anticipate life beyond these challenges. Here are three ways […]

Open outdoor space integrated among retail has become a highly sought after luxury during the COVID-19 pandemic, while requiring ample amount of open space for social distancing. Though we may be on the tail end of the pandemic, the commodity of open outdoor space in shopping centers will be a desirable trend moving forward and […]

Having bad tenants is an inevitability. For some landlords and property managers, the Coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the actions of your worst tenants. They may not be paying rent as sales have slowed or they might not be following local regulations as they open. Regardless of the issues, the stress of recent events has often […]